It’s a big day today in Trenton–Alyssa’s Law (A764/S365) is up for a vote in the NJ Senate. If it passes, which I expect it will, it will need to be voted on one more time in the Assembly so that the legislators in the lower house have an opportunity to concur with the additional amendments that were made as the bill worked its way through the Senate committees.

Once the bill is passed through the Assembly on concurrence, the next stop is Governor Phil Murphy’s desk for final passage!

We’re so close to seeing Alyssa’s Law finally become enacted in New Jersey. I know it’s short notice (I only received notification confirming the vote this morning) but if you have a moment, please call or email your local legislator (you can look them up here if you’re not sure of their contact info) and ask them to vote YES on A764/S365 Alyssa’s Law today.

Thank you for your ongoing support!