We just received an update for those who have been following the Montelaro case, and have advocated with Keep NJ Safe to keep Kim’s rapist/murderer behind bars.  Today, Kim’s brother Paul received word from the NJ Parole Board that Christopher Righetti will receive parole eligibility again within 10 years.

Unfortunately, if past history is any indication (which it certainly has been), that 10-year time frame will translate into only about 4 years, since prisoners are permitted to shave significant amounts of time off of their future eligibility date for “good behavior”…i.e., following the rules that they’re supposed to follow while they’re jail.

While we would have been happier to have seen the Parole Board set a date much farther into the future, realistically, this was about what we expected.  Again, judging by what has happened numerous times in the past, the Montelaro Family will, in all likelihood, be re-living this parole ordeal all over again sometime in the year 2020.

Rest assured, when it does happen, we will be ready to renew the fight to keep Righetti in jail, and to keep our community safe. We hope that we can, once again, count on you to help us when that day comes.

If you’d like to be kept updated on developments relating to the Montelaro case, please take a moment to “Like” the Justice for Kim Facebook page, and/or sign up for email updates from Keep NJ Safe by using the Subscribe form on the right-hand side of this page.

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Kim’s resting place, recently decorated for Christmas 2016.

Thank you to everyone who shared our social media posts, forwarded our Call to Action emails, and wrote letters to the NJ Parole Board, signed our petition, advocated with their town government and elected officials to pass support resolutions, and sent notes of love and support to the Montelaro Family.  The outpouring from the community this time was truly extraordinary, and we know the reason we were successful in getting Righetti’s parole denied again is because of the thousands of good people who took the time to help…you spoke up for Kim, a young woman who can no longer speak for herself, and you accomplished a wonderful kindness for the Montelaro family. Again, THANK YOU.