From Paul Montelaro: “My mother and I want to express all of the appreciation in the world to the people who stood with our family during this difficult process. Your support means so much, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you’ve done.”
From Keep NJ Safe: Many people have been asking us, “What’s Next?” The Parole denial is a huge relief for all of us in the community, but we are still waiting to hear back on one important piece of information–Righetti’s future eligibility date.
Now that a two-member panel has issued a denial, his case is forwarded to a three-member panel, which will deliberate on how far in the future to set Righetti’s next possible parole date. We have repeatedly asked them to set a date 35 years in the future, but the most we’ve ever gotten is 10 years, and that has consistently translated to less than 4 years, due to credits earned by the prisoner. So, unless the parole board decides to set a date further than 10 years away, in all likelihood, we’ll be back at this again around 2020. We were told that the decision process can take several months, so we will keep you updated via this website and our Facebook page when there is news to share.
Rest assured, no matter when his next eligibility date comes up, WE WILL BE HERE, ready to take up this cause again, as often as we have to, for as long as it takes. Thank you so much to everyone who signed our petition, passed resolutions, wrote letters to the Parole Board, and sent messages of love and support to the Montelaros. Your encouragement was a continual source of strength throughout this process–we could not have done it without each and every one of you. God Bless you all.