Great news! Last night, NJ residents approved the Ballot Question that allows the State to Bond for $500 million in funding for our schools, which will cover the costs of a variety of safety initiatives, including the panic alarms mandated by Alyssa’s Law.  Thank you to everyone who supported it!

I just got word from Assemblyman Caputo, the Prime Sponsor of Alyssa’s Law, that in light of this funding approval, we can expect Alyssa’s Law to come up for a Concurrence Vote with the Governor’s recommendations very soon, probably during one of the sessions scheduled for early December.   I’ve informed Lori, and needless to say, we’re both happy and excited to see Alyssa’s Law moving towards final passage.  Almost there!

We’re also working with legislators in Florida to enact Alyssa’s Law there.  Additional updates will be posted here on KeepNJSafe, and on our Facebook page:

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